On flu, acute respiratory infections and immunity

Before moving on to the main discussion, a clarification must be made. A recent Work Way article “On vaccinations” defines killed vaccines:

“Killed vaccines are obtained from pathogenic microbes by neutralising them with various chemicals (formalin, etc.), by heating them or by ultraviolet rays. Such are the killed vaccines against typhoid, cholera and tick-borne encephalitis”.

Here we need to make it clear that neutralising the germs in such vaccines does not mean that all the viruses in them die. Most often, vaccines are treated with formalin. But formalin does not completely kill viruses and bacteria, but biochemically binds them and makes them inactive.

Viruses and bacteria lose their vitality and ability to harm living beings under the influence of formalin, but remain alive. This situation is absolutely necessary because completely dead viruses and bacteria cannot create immunity in the human body. This is directly linked to the function of the immune system in humans and animals: only living viruses and bacteria can cause disease, which means that only living viruses and bacteria can be detected by the immune system and recognised as a threat to the body.

Under certain conditions, therefore, live viruses may very well be isolated from killed vaccines, which then, adapting to new conditions of existence, transform into granular forms, visible microbes and even entire colonies in the form of crystals. This means that the quantity transitions into a new quality: viruses, when they accumulate, are able to change their form of existence and form new microbial forms that can grow and multiply.

Conversely, bacteria are able to turn into viruses, losing their shells and ‘organs’. Today, such decayed bacteria are known to science as the L-form bacteria. Often, pathogenic viruses and bacteria, under the influence of special conditions, turn into their alternative forms of existence, microbial and viral respectively. After that, they lose their pathogenic properties.

This was discovered in the late 1940s and early 1950s by a team of Stalinist microbiologists led by G.M. Boshyan during a study on infectious anemia in horses. This team of scientists learned how to treat and prevent the disease. However, after Khrushchev’s counterrevolution in 1953, horse anaemia, which caused great damage to Soviet horse breeding, was still left unattended and untreated, and the vaccinations created by Boshyan’s team simply disappeared and are still unavailable in veterinary medicine to this day.

Before the discovery made by the team of scientists led by Boshyan, Soviet biologists noted individual facts of the transition of dangerous microbes from one form to another with the loss of pathogenicity (back in the 1930s). Thus, bacteria and viruses are able to move from one condition, that is dangerous to a living organism, to other conditions when the microbes are not active and do no harm.

Such transitions in nature are relatively random and can take a long time. Humans, on the other hand, are quite capable of controlling microbial changes and reducing the time it takes for germs to move from one form to another to several hours or days.

This particular circumstance is important, because it provides future, proletarian science with the key to successfully fighting not only influenza and acute respiratory infections, but also such monstrous diseases as cancer, diabetes, tuberculosis, etc.

Influenza and acute respiratory diseases

Work Way has already provided some data on how to really fight epidemics. But since we call for detailed approach, and a lot of minds are still filled with TV propaganda, we must, therefore, touch upon the subject of the flu and acute respiratory infections additionally.

What viruses cause influenza and ARI?

According to modern virology, orthomixoviruses (human influenza A, B and C). Paramixoviruses (ARI). The human coronaviruses (ARI), which we had it up to here hearing about, as well as adenoviruses. The influenza virus type A is also divided into three types: A0, A1 and A2. It’s hard to say how true these variations really are, because the materialistic influenza research carried out in the USSR before 1955 did not talk about these variations, and the subsequent data cannot be fully believed.

In case of respiratory infections, these viruses collect, multiply and accumulate on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. The viruses enter the environment through coughing, sneezing and talking. This creates a cloud of aerosol around the patients, which consists of small droplets of mucus and saliva, in which the viruses are present. The size of these droplets varies from 2 to 100 microns.

Large droplets of aerosol settle quickly on surrounding objects and are exposed to the environment. Such droplets can infect people who are close to the patient. Fine droplets can be carried by the wind across some distance. All droplets are immediately affected by the environment, which mainly eliminates viruses and microbes or weakens their effects. The droplets of influenza aerosol that dry out form dust on the surface. This dust can get back into the air as secondary aerosol. Such dust can be contagious, but only when a number of circumstances that favour the transition of viruses to an active state coincide with each other.

Experience has shown that small droplets of aerosol play a major role in the spread of influenza and acute respiratory infections. However, such droplets are most affected by the sun, humidity and air temperature, reducing the risk of infection.

You have to remember that the droplets of saliva, with which germs from a sick person are carried into the surrounding atmosphere, contain some proteins that can become biochemically linked with viruses. This bond makes many viruses inactive.

The role of air inside the room where people with flu and acute respiratory infections are located is extremely important. For instance, in darkened rooms with an air exchange rate below 3 volumes per hour, the concentration of viruses and microbes is approximately 12-15 times higher than the amount required in order to infect an average person. This underlines the need for thorough ventilation and abundant sunlight in the rooms; the time spent in such rooms, because of the flu and acute respiratory infections, must be reduced to the necessary minimum, after which an infected person urgently needs open air and sunlight, without it being filtered through window panes.

As for the prevalence of respiratory infections, the flu, a typical airborne infection, comes first. According to modern data, on average 10-15% of the population gets sick every year during the seasonal peak. But these are just approximate figures. There have been cases when in late winter and early spring in some cities and districts the incidence of influenza and acute respiratory infections covered 80% of the population. In this case, an epidemic situation was declared in the district. But there were also cases when, in areas typical for influenza and acute respiratory infections, the incidence did not exceed 5-7% during the seasonal peak. In any case, the practice of fighting influenza and acute respiratory diseases in the USSR has shown that, with long-term, correct and comprehensive prevention measures against these diseases, their incidence during peaks had been declining and had remained low for many years.  However, influenza, under a number of conditions, could cause complications in some people and increase the number and severity of other diseases. This is undeniable.

The fact that actual scientific research on influenza has not been conducted for a long time was confirmed by biologists in the late Soviet Union, and this is also confirmed by today’s “influenza specialists”. They recognise that influenza is still an uncontrollable infection due to a lack of knowledge about the basic laws of the disease, its roots, its development and spread in nature and society. The bourgeois science is not moving forward in this respect, but is at best parroting some findings of Soviet microbiologists (L.Y. Zakstelsky, M.A. Yakhno, R.S. Drazin, etc.), who in the 1960s,1970s were specifically focused on influenza.

For instance, the revisionist bourgeois biology has recognized the variability of the influenza virus, but explained it idealistically, based on “hereditary changes in the viral substance”. It reduced the variability of the influenza virus to three stages. The first stage was the formation of a new variant of the virus; the second stage was the spread of this new variant in an environment where the virus could live and act; the third stage was the disappearance of this variant and the emergence of a new variant.

In 1960-80s, the Soviet virology noted that the emergence and spread of a new variant of the influenza A virus occurred every 2-3 years and the influenza B virus every 4-5 years. According to virologists, such occurrences are accompanied by epidemic outbreaks. It is also still believed that influenza B, in contrast to influenza A, has a ‘tendency’ to cause outbreaks only in certain, more or less permanent geographical areas during the cold season.

The high variability of the virus is explained by both the periodic outbreaks of influenza and the difficulty in developing specific methods to prevent this infection. Since the mid 1960s, live vaccines from so-called “attenuated strains” have been widely used in the USSR for specific influenza prevention. But vaccination with these ‘attenuated strains’ did not effectively prevent the spread of influenza and acute respiratory infections. This is why Soviet practical medicine, although focused on microbiology, paid more attention not to flu vaccines, which after 1955 were never improved, but to sanitary, preventive and health-boosting measures in general, which were carried out nationwide and in an integrated way.

In late Soviet virology and epidemiology textbooks, apart from influenza, parainfluenza is also mentioned. Paramixoviruses are believed to be responsible for this disease. Paramixoviruses are divided into 4 types and are widely spread. All ages are susceptible to this infection, but it is most severe in young children, causing bronchitis and pneumonia. The parainfluenza virus is unstable in the external environment and is quickly neutralised by solar radiation, high temperatures and humidity. There are no effective vaccinations against this disease.

The respiratory syncytial virus, which belongs to the Paramixovirus genus, also belongs to the viruses causing acute respiratory infections. This virus, which causes acute respiratory infections, is widely spread among children and adults. It is believed to be the main cause of lower respiratory diseases in infants and toddlers. In adults, the virus mainly causes colds and a runny nose. The disease has a special feature that is intensified if the mucous membranes already contain viruses and other bacteria of other species in the active state. Such mutual reinforcement of germs of different types was rejected by mechanist biologists, but it was proved in the works of Stalinist scientists, academician N.F. Gamaleya, and later by a team of scientists led by G.M. Boshyan.

Adenoviruses also play a role in AVIs. These viruses, unlike influenza viruses and acute respiratory infections, develop first in the airway and then in the intestines. Medical practice has noted that adenoviruses cause disorders not only in the respiratory tract, but also in the eyes and digestive organs, especially in young children. By 1974, some Soviet biologists had concluded that adenoviruses were related to tumour formation. The same assumptions were made by Boshyan’s team, but due to Khrushchev’s counter-revolutionary coup in the country, Marxist biologists were unable to complete their work on oncology and Michurin’s materialistic genetics was banned.

Observations of AVI outbreaks in the USSR in 1959-1962 led to the conclusion that the main agents of AVI were adenoviruses type 3 and 7a. These viruses proved to be the most persistent in the air and on household items. A vaccine against adenoviruses was not developed. This was justified by the “large number of types” of the virus. Prevention, daily hardening of the body, comprehensive anti-epidemic and sanitary measures played the main role in the fight against the respiratory infections caused by adenovirus.

ARIs are also caused by rhinoviruses. Modern epidemiology claims that there are 89 types of rhinoviruses. The main symptoms of rhinovirus-induced acute respiratory infections are colds, runny nose and weakness. In traditional treatment, the disease passes after 3-4 days. Rhinovirus diseases occur throughout the year. The infection is transmitted by airborne droplets, but has also been suspected to be transmitted through contact. Immunity after the disease is short-lived. There is no effective vaccination against this cold.

By the early 1980s, coronaviruses became familiar to Soviet virology. They were then regarded as a new, little-studied group of viruses, which included human viruses causing acute respiratory infections and a number of viruses affecting some animals and birds. Soviet biologists concluded that coronaviruses did not have permanent distribution areas and were circulating around the world. The main symptom of the disease that coronaviruses have caused in humans is a typical cold with a runny nose and feeling unwell. Clinical observations had shown that an out-of-shape adult in the medium health category is sick with coronavirus for 3-4 days, provided a typical flu treatment. The runny nose caused by this disease was determined to be contagious.

By 1982, about 20 types of coronavirus had been identified. However, the nature of these viruses was poorly understood and no special prevention measures were developed.

It must be understood that no major scientific research on these viruses has been conducted since then. Until 1990, there had been separate ongoing coronavirus studies in Soviet science. But they were not finished, and researchers often followed an idealistic, dead-end path, blindly aping Western virologists. The variability and diversity of viruses were considered to be based on the “hereditary changes in the viral substance” and “diversity” of this “substance” itself, without taking into account the strong influence of the environment. The transformation of viruses into visible microbial forms, the reverse transformation of visible forms into filterable forms (i.e. passing through bacterial filters), the “breeding” of viruses by external conditions – all this was “out of fashion”, this was declared “Lysenkoism”, “Stalin’s legacy in the fight against genetics”, “Neolamarckism”, etc.

All this means that it is only possible to write about viruses definitively to the extent that Stalin’s Soviet virologists and epidemiologists have advanced in this field. It is also only possible to write about the notorious coronavirus to the extent where it does not contradict Michurin’s biology, using reliable facts and statistics from Soviet practical medicine.

By the end of the 90s, the situation with influenza viruses and acute respiratory infections was clearly uncertain, or rather, the failure of all scientific work in regard to this infection was evident. This failure has not been eliminated to this day. The fascist bourgeoisie took advantage of this uncertainty, because it allows one to make up lies about AVI. Since materialistic sources on viruses and microbes are hidden and destroyed, and in the late Soviet Union there was a lot of idealism in the area of the most fundamental issues, fascists can now freely lie about all that concerns viruses.

This is also confirmed by the fact that in the past 4 months modern science has not developed a single coronavirus description, from which its nature, development, living conditions etc. could be determined.

A mere scientific description that could have just listed the findings of Soviet virology. But even this kind of formal abstract was not made. In late Soviet works on epidemics and viruses, apart from mistakes, there was also some truth, which is dangerous for the bourgeoisie. After all, slaves must remain ignorant. That is why fascists believe that the best explanation for the “epidemic” are lies and anyone who is interested in the real nature of this “epidemic” must be threatened. Here we can also add that, to this day, none of the bourgeois microbiologists have found the living strain of the novel coronavirus.

A few words about immunity

In the case of the respiratory syncytial virus, it was observed that the immunity that was formed in children after the disease did not prevent them from falling ill again from the same infection, i.e. the immunity was short-lived. Why did this happen? Idealist biologists still explain this with some kind of “variability in the heredity of the viral substance”.

The real explanation for short-term immunity was given by Boshyan’s team of scientists all the way back in 1949. The fact is that, under certain conditions, any bacteria becomes filterable, invisible to an ordinary microscope and able to pass through filters. It has become clear that this form of bacteria is the most stable form of microbial existence, especially when external living conditions become unfavourable. Such conditions do not remain forever, but for a certain period of time. Under such conditions, the life functions of the bacteria and their metabolism are minimised, and therefore the dependence of such a microbe on its habitat is reduced, and it survives. As soon as more favourable conditions prevail, the microbe loses its connection with the right proteins in the body, and the immune system weakens.

Using the example of bacteria turning into filterable forms of bacteria (viruses), Stalinist virology discovered and confirmed that the pathogenic microbes, when they enter the human body, can disintegrate into constituent parts. This meant that the unit of separability of this living matter was not a cell at all, but parts of it, as well as smaller living particles, protein particles, bits of protein, which had been discovered by O. Lepeshinskaya. It turned out that when vaccination breaks down microbial cells into constituent parts, i.e. viruses, these cells adapt to new living conditions – in order to survive and continue their “genus”. But at the same time, the pathogenic microbes lose the ability to cause disease or weaken their pathogenesis, and provide the individual with immunity – against themselves, in fact.

We have also learned from experience that without such filterable forms of microbes it would not have been possible to create vaccines against infectious diseases. When bacteria that have become filterable bacteria (i.e. viruses) get into the human body together with the vaccine, it is them that provide immunity. And this immunity to the disease, which is caused by the initial form of the microbe, is maintained in humans as long as the body has these filterable forms of bacteria. If the bacteria disappear, the immunity to this disease also stops.

Therefore, only vaccines that ensure the formation and long-term preservation of filterable forms of the bacteria that caused the contagious disease, are useful. The same applies to anatoxins and antibiotics. The more active and viable the filtered forms of microbes are, the more effective the vaccines, antibiotics and therapeutic substances are.

Influenza and AVI viruses, presented in a vaccine in a filterable form, enter the body together with the vaccine and quickly connect with proteins in the blood and other organs and tissues of the body. Because of that, such viruses go into an inactive state. They can stay in the human body in large quantities for as long as you like. They will only cause a disease if the connection between viruses and proteins in the body is broken.

This connection can be broken, for example, by hypothermia, prolonged avitaminosis, radioactive radiation, lack of protein-rich food, poisoning with toxins, hard living conditions, etc. This means that the so-called contemporary ‘express tests’ for acute respiratory infections are a scam. Such ‘tests’ can show the presence of viruses in the blood when a person has clear and obvious signs of a cold or flu. This is because there are a lot more viruses in the blood of sick people than there are in the blood of healthy people. In addition, during illness, the connection between viruses and blood proteins is disrupted and there is a mass of active pathogenic viruses wandering through the body.

The notorious coronavirus is also found in the blood of healthy people, but in small amounts and being strongly bound to blood proteins. Maybe it is possible to isolate such a bound virus in 15-20 minutes, but one cannot trust the claims of the fascist biologists in this regard.

In any case, no real doctor or scientist would recognise a person with a coronavirus  bound to proteins in their blood as sick or infected, because then everyone would have to be recognised as sick and contagious.

It’s true also because the virus does not have an independent metabolism in the human body. It lives and multiplies through the metabolism of living cells. But under certain circumstances, AVI viruses pass into a new form of existence, into a bacterium, which already has all the properties of a living cell, including the ability to metabolise independently, to grow and multiply without parasitizing on living cells. Such transitions take place in a very short time and depend on the living conditions of a person and the individual properties of his or her body.

This once again shows the fraudulent nature of “rapid tests” for coronavirus. The properties of a healthy human body turn viruses into firmly connected forms in which the given person may never get an acute respiratory infection, or get it rarely and in a light form. But the “rapid test” will nevertheless show that they are ‘infected’ with the coronavirus.

On the other hand, the properties of the virus and the current condition of another person may cause a temporary increase in the amount of viruses in the blood, but the person will also be neither contagious nor sick. The “rapid test”, however, will show that this person has severe pneumonia.

The reason for this is that the life of viruses depends entirely on the form in which they exist at the moment and the state of the body. If the virus turns into a granular form, concentrating to become a microbe, but the body is hardened, is in good conditions and has chemicals that make these grains inactive, then a person may have a mild illness that ends in a day – without any harm to others. Furthermore, these chemically linked influenza viruses and acute respiratory infections can remain in the body for a long time without any signs of life. But if viruses are freed from the connecting substances, in the same chemical way, they come to life again and multiply actively. At the same time, they do not acquire their pathogenic properties immediately, but after a certain period of time.

The correct understanding of immunity follows from this. When a vaccine or serum enters the human body, it transforms the cells of unfiltered pathogenic microbes into a viral and fine-grained form. Viruses and filterable microbes are much better at binding to the proteins in the blood, organs and tissues of the body, than large microbes and bacteria. When they bind to proteins, viruses and phages lose their pathogenicity and become passive.

In other words, when pathogenic microbes enter the body, two interrelated processes occur. On one hand, there is a mass breakdown of special cells called phagocytes. The immune system reacts to the penetration of an alien organism: the phagocytes bind to the bacterium and together with it begin to break down into filterable forms.

On the other hand, germs turn into viruses and small grains consisting of many viruses. At the same time, some of the phagocyte cells capture the active influenza and AVI viruses, chemically binding them to blood proteins and thus neutralising them.

This decomposition and transformation create new conditions in the human body. New cells, phagocytes, begin to be actively created to replace those that have decayed in the fight against microbes. And the number of new cells is much larger than those that have disintegrated. These new cells in the body no longer fall into the old, but into new conditions of existence, and are forced to adapt to them, i.e. to adapt to the new metabolism.

This adaptation of the new cells essentially means that the whole organism has also adapted to the new conditions. As a result, the entire organism becomes immune to this microbe, i.e. capable of converting specific pathogenic microbes into viruses and grains. Viruses and grains react with proteins in the body and become chemically bound and passive. An organism that does not have the ability to convert microbes into smaller forms and then bind these forms to proteins is not immune.

As far as infectious bacteria are concerned. If these bacteria are completely destroyed by phagocyte cells in the human body, then immunity to this infection is not created. Only those bacteria that are not destroyed in the body, but turn into viruses and small grainy forms, create immunity.

When it comes to natural immunity, which is obtained by humans without vaccination, there are two things that explain this immunity. First of all, it is the inability of this infectious microbe to live and reproduce in the body of this particular person (or many people). Or the reason is the prolonged existence of viruses and filterable viral grains in the organism – due to a person’s prolonged contact with this infectious microbe in everyday life (“accumulated” immunity). Natural immunity is also generated when a person lives in favourable conditions, trains their body and moves around a lot.

On the other hand, immunity can be developed through constant training under adverse conditions. Mountain climbers, divers, marathon runners, etc. often have such immunity.

In connection with vaccinations and immunity, so-called antibodies are often mentioned, but no scientific explanation for these material objects is given. Only various speculations, for the most part. Meanwhile, science has long explained the nature of antibodies. Boshyan was right. Although idealistic biology has not yet said anything about “hereditary changes in the viral substance” in relation to antibodies, as it is way more difficult to allow any speculation in relation to them than in relation to nucleic acids in organisms. But the night is still young: given that the fascists are already looking into the “genetic code of the Russian people”, the perversion of the nature of antibodies is not too far away.

It is possible to derive the nature of antibodies from the above. This is what it is. When pathogenic microbes enter the human body, the proteins in the body are rebuilt so that they can chemically bind the viral particles that make up the microbe. As the infection progresses, i.e. during the incubation period, the modified proteins bind more and more viruses. Chemical bonds are obtained from the modified human protein and virus. This modified protein substance, which is bound to the virus, is the antibody. However, proteins in the body can only become antibodies if there are viruses or viral grains in the body. If an infectious microbe does not turn into a viral form, the disease develops. If viruses derived from this contagious microbe disappear from the body, the antibodies for this disease also disappear.

Thus, in general, viral and microbial immunity is created, this is its biochemical creature.

The human system itself can also turn pathogenic microbes into viral and fine-grained forms. It produces special antimicrobial substances such as latenin and lysozyme, which can chemically convert microbes into passive forms.

But the immunity has a downside. The ability of viruses to convert into larger microbial forms, and vice versa, the ability of bacteria to convert to the form of viruses, makes it possible to artificially activate all or almost all of the viruses that are in the human body. In order to cause a certain disease, it is sufficient, for example, to perform a harmful vaccination or give a person the ‘right’ chemicals in the form of medicines. If this ‘vaccine’ or ‘medicine’ breaks the link between viruses and proteins in the body, viruses can become active and cause an acute illness. This also explains the ban on vaccination against disease when a person is already sick with it. Such vaccination speeds up the destruction of the already broken link between human proteins and the pathogen and greatly increases the number of active pathogenic agents.

The dependence of the virus’s activity on its connection to proteins in blood and organs confirms once again that it is impossible to judge whether a person is infected or contagious with some kind of “rapid test”. Without a specific biochemical study, it is impossible to say for certain whether a person has active viruses in his or her body or not. Such research is usually lengthy, time-consuming and very thorough, as the question is not only about antibodies, but also to show exactly what form viruses are in at the moment and how they are related to proteins in the body.

In addition, a full scientific study must show that active immunity against influenza and acute respiratory infections is only possible if the influenza and acute respiratory infections are bound and modified in a specific human body. There is no “standard” immunity, which is supposedly obtained by vaccination, in nature. This is what some killer doctors talk about, with their confusing language.

We have talked above about the unscientific and criminal nature of the current “express tests” – and the usual “diagnoses” of coronavirus infection. Lying doctors declare a person to be contagious and infected on the grounds that the virus has been found in their blood. But back in the late 40s, Stalinist Soviet biologists proved that viruses of contagious diseases, including acute respiratory infections, were released from the blood of perfectly healthy people. Such people can be long-lasting carriers of these viruses. Experiments with higher mammals have shown that it is useless and pointless to destroy or isolate such animals on the sole ground that they are carriers of this contagious disease. It turned out that the possibility of a carrier of the virus becoming an active source of infection depends primarily on the material conditions of these carriers – people and animals.

It was found that the main reasons for the body’s transition from being a passive carrier of a disease to active contagion are: the transfer of a person or animal from a favourable climate to an unfavourable one; poor nutrition, poor living conditions, care and maintenance; difficult and harmful working conditions (operating conditions for animals); mass attacks of harmful insects caused by poor sanitation, etc.

As a result of these factors, a healthy person, as a carrier of the virus, may fall ill with an acute form of an infectious disease. If living conditions are favourable and the simplest hygiene requirements are met, the person carrying the disease can live a lifetime without getting sick from the disease and without any threat to others.

Once again, we can see how fake all the “measures” carried out by the current authorities against the “coronavirus epidemic” are. Once again, we see how important the social conditions in which people live are for them. The key to a healthy population, which the elites seem to be so concerned about, is not social distancing or house arrest, but the good living conditions of millions of laborers. But the capitalists cannot provide workers with such conditions – a decent and prosperous life – otherwise they would not be capitalists, and current fascism could not exist at all. It’s the other way round, fascism is needed in order to make it possible for the 2-3% of the population, the richest capitalists, to keep millions of workers in the most disgusting conditions of existence for as long as possible, and to have every conceivable social benefit – provided precisely by the work, poverty and hardships of those millions.

Well, the goal explains the means. The Bolsheviks advocated a happy and fulfilling life for all those who work, and they ensured this in practice. Hence the means: the real pursuit of this kind of life, not an imitation, the highest form of democracy, a scientific approach, etc. The bourgeoisie advocates a happy life only for themselves and their minions and ensure this through fascist terror and total deception.

This also applies to the epidemic situation in society. Over the course of several years, the Bolsheviks have eradicated many contagious diseases that were getting in the way of people’s happiness. The fascist bourgeoisie uses epidemics as a scarecrow for the masses and is prepared to use infections and other poisons against the public.

P.S. Message to killer doctors

Why did the fascist state immediately grab hold of the big stick after they barely announced vaccination against acute respiratory infections? Workers are threatened with such measures as fines, dismissal from work, deprivation of the right to a profession, education, medical and legal assistance, etc. for refusing “vaccination”. – up to being put in prison. Such measures very closely resemble a fascist fight against political opponents.

Yes, that’s exactly what it is. By handing out punishment for refusing vaccination, the fascist government has essentially declared that it considers the entire working people its political enemy. And it is 100% correct. The fascist state in its current convulsions resembles a convict at the gallows, from under which a stool is about to be knocked away. That’s what some Nazi bastards did before death: they wet their trousers and kept grabbing for air, hoping to find some support there. But there was none.

Similarly, the contemporary Nazis have no real support either.

As for all the suspiciousness towards “vaccination”. Imagine a group of bandits approaching a person and trying to give him a shot containing an unknown substance. The man senses that his life and health are at stake. There are only two options here. Either a fight to the death with the bandits, with a chance to win and avoid being injected with an unknown substance. Or becoming a sheep who will obediently let the bandits inject it with an unknown substance. And wait for the consequences.

That person immediately guesses that the thugs do not have good intentions. It is also clear to the man that the substance in the syringe that the thugs want to inject him with is most likely something harmful and dangerous, and at the same time very profitable for the gangsters, otherwise why would the gangsters force a person into taking the injection. Since a person is threatened with violent death for refusing the injection, he or she understands that the effect of the injection is something comparable to that, i.e. death, severe trauma, physical or mental illness, disability, infertility, impotence, dementia, blindness, etc. In general, great and serious harm.

Gangsters assure the person that the shot is safe and that it is done for the benefit of that person. If that’s the case, try asking the thugs to give these injections to themselves and their children.

But the killer will most likely refuse the shot and immediately run to his police buddies – complaining about that person not being a sheep. After that, the person is fired from his or her job and not accepted for another job, his or her children are not allowed to go to school or kindergarten, his or her family cannot get medical care or pensions, he or she is not allowed to go to institutions or even walk the streets in peace.

But the person will not be alone. It’s one thing when fascists make us wear muzzles. It’s disgusting and humiliating, but it’s not fatal yet. Forced “vaccination” is another thing. In this case, some substance will be injected into our bodies. And the most precious thing we have – our life and the lives of our children – will be put on the line immediately and directly. Here the stakes are different, here they become the highest.

Usually, even the most timid and cowardly ones get into a fight when it comes to the biological existence of their children and themselves. Because there is nowhere to retreat, nothing to lose but the life someone wants to take from them. For sure, there will be hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of those who will refuse fascist “vaccinations”. It is hard to imagine a mother willingly giving her child into the clutches of executioners. Fascism will be unable to resist the onslaught of millions. All we have to do now is rise up and smash it together.

But why is this message directed at killer doctors? Because there are fascists and then there are their accomplices. These accomplices are much worse than the fascists themselves. Because a doctor who betrayed his profession by serving fascism is particularly hateful.

The doctors who have gone down the fascist path today need to remember that Hitlers come and go, while doctors will continue living among other people. The big and small Hitlers will be judged and hanged. More shameful punishment awaits the doctors who have poisoned millions of people. The people will remember the Hitlers as a common enemy image. Killer doctors and poisoners will be remembered by the people as child molesters, personal, very intimate enemies.

Doctors who shall poison people with “vaccinations” must remember that in the post-war trials of the Nazis, doctors from concentration camps were not always sentenced to the gallows. At the trial, such doctors always said that they were only following the orders of their superiors, that they could have been sent to the front for not following orders, deprived of nourishing SS rations, etc.

But after the trials these “doctors” were often found strangled or stabbed in prison, or after prison they were found headless, hanging in the woods upside down, with their arms and legs cut off. And it was only a small tribute to the executioners in white coats – from surviving prisoners and those who had not forgotten their tortured and dead comrades.

Let today’s doctors think about what awaits them if they go against the people and raise their hand against our children.

M. Ivanov


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